Imprimer en ABS sans plateau chauffant

After modeling a part using Solid Edge, I decided that PLA would be too brittle for my print. The part would be exposed to the elements and needed to be strong. After doing some research, I concluded that ABS would be a much better solution, so I placed an order for a spool of ABS. I was concerned that printing ABS without a heated bed would be next to impossible. Most 3D printer manufacturers recommend printing ABS only if you are using a heated bed. After completing a few test prints, I realiz Source: Voici la solution pour imprimer des objets en ABS sur une imprimante sans plateau chauffant!…

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les 10 commandements du Maker

1. A l’anglais tu te mettras 2. Le mode d’emploi de ton imprimante consciencieusement tu liras 3. De beaux fichiers dans les bibliothèques en ligne tu téléchargeras 4. Le mot extrudeur plusieurs fois par jour tu prononceras

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